Showing posts with label Pork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pork. Show all posts
Thursday, August 20, 2015

An Evening in Trieste

DIY Pasta from scratch

For one fabulous evening, we turned our little apartment in New Zealand into an apartment in Trieste! This night has been a long time coming. We have been planning this for close to a year and finally managed to get our act together. Boy, was it worth the wait! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Sausage and Pasta Marinara

Sausage and Pasta Marinara

I am so excited to welcome you to my new and improved blog! I started "Musings from the Other Side" when I first moved to New Zealand without an idea of what waiting for me on the other side of the world. Pretty soon though, it was clear that it was going to be a food blog. My little blog has grown out of its old name and un-matching URL! So, I have been working pretty hard on giving it a new design, new name and URL. It has been so much fun redesigning this blog and giving it some much needed TLC. It has felt like I have had two full time jobs this past week though! And as a result, I have had no time to cook. Umm. A food blogger that has no time time to cook? That's pretty lame, y'all! So let's fix that. 
This recipe is so easy that it almost didn't make it to the blog. But that's exactly what this blog is about. Sharing recipes that may potentially be someone's answer to "what should I have for dinner?" I cook this when I am out of ideas, out of energy and my fridge and pantry are running  woefully low due to neglect - usually towards the tail end of a busy work week, like this one. It is my alternative to take out because it takes about the same amount of time to cook as it takes to call, order and pick up something that is most likely really bad for you. Like the honey chicken fried rice from the Noodle place down the street. 

Yield - Serves 2

Total Time - 30 Minutes

Sausage and Pasta Marinara

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tim's Homemade Wood Fire Pizza with Step by Step Dough Recipe

There are very few things better than getting together with wonderful people and creating wonderful food. One of my work colleagues, Tim, is an IT manager by day and pizza chef extraordinaire by night! He has a wood fire pizza oven in his front yard and graciously invited a few of us over to his lovely home for a wood fire pizza making crash course. He didn't even mind me following him around like the paparazzi with my camera and even provided me with an SD card when I realized that I had forgotten to bring one along (D-oh)! 

The happy chef with his pizza oven 
Before I get into the pizza making extravaganza, can I just quickly draw your attention to the little baking dish full of tomatoes next to him?

Yep, that one! Tim's lovely wife, Tracy, picked some beautiful vine ripe cherry tomatoes from their garden, drizzled some extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar and tossed it all together and cooked it in the pizza oven for just a few minutes. I can honestly say that I haven't known tomatoes to be more delicious! 

Now moving on to one of the most important part of pizza making - the dough. We cooked thin crust pizzas and here is Tim's recipe for the perfect pizza dough.

Tim's Pizza Dough Recipe

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Jiaozi - Chinese Pork Dumplings

Dumplings are the kind of food I would eat every single day for every meal, if there were no consequences! They are so good! You simply can't go wrong with ginger and scallions - a match made in dumpling heaven - or any other heaven, to be quite honest.

Dumplings are actually quite easy to make, they are just a bit time consuming. If I am making them by myself, I usually put on a good movie (or a Star Trek marathon anyone?) and entertain myself while I wrap them. It is ideal to invite friends over and make a night of it. Most people I have invited over for my "dumpling parties" have really gotten into it and have had a smashing good time. Beware of food coma afterwards though, I have had friends pass out on the carpet / couch because they'd had too many dumplings! 

Dumpling wrappers freeze very well. I keep them handy in event of a dumpling craving.
Here is a little trick. I add a bit of olive to the filling. Olive oil in dumplings you ask? Ideally you'd use sesame seed oil, but I prefer extra virgin olive oil in this recipe. I am a rebel that way. This recipe is all asian except for the olive oil! Use good quality soy sauce in the dipping sauce recipe at the bottom of this post. There is nothing in the world worse than bad soy sauce. Okay, may be there are some things worse than bad soy sauce!

Yield: 120 dumplings
Prep Time: 2 Hours
Cooking Time: ½ Hour

Homemade Chinese Pork Dumplings with Ginger Scallion Dipping Sauce
Chinese Pork Dumplings with Ginger Scallion Dipping Sauce

Homemade Chinese Pork Dumplings with Ginger Scallion Dipping Sauce

Homemade Chinese Pork Dumplings with Ginger Scallion Dipping Sauce

Homemade Chinese Pork Dumplings with Ginger Scallion Dipping Sauce

Friday, August 15, 2014

Lechon Asado - Slow Cooker Cuban Pork

Lechon Asado is a timeless Cuban roasted pork dish. Traditionally, a whole pig is slow roasted over hot coals. This, unfortunately, is not always practical when you live in an apartment, are feeding two people and it is a weeknight. 

Enter - the lechon asado loving busy professional's best friend - The Slow Cooker (or crock pot, if you are from the south).

Get your own Crock-Pot Here

I have a love-hate relationship with my slow cooker. I love that I can come home after a busy day to a cooked meal, but I hate that sometimes it just tastes like hospital food (No disrespect to hospital cafeterias around the world). I am therefore, on a mission to learn how to cook delicious and easy slow cooker meals and post the recipes here when I have a winner. (This is a different mission from this one, I set a lot of culinary missions, okay?)

So without further ado, here's presenting Lechon Asado!

Lechon Asado - Slow cooked Cuban Pork
Lechon Asado served with Yellow Rice and Guacamole

Three guys from Miami are my go to Cuban recipe gurus, and this recipe is heavily influenced by their Lechon Asado recipe.

Instead of cooking a whole pig, I used pork shoulder, or Boston butt. Marinated it in a lovely garlicky citrus marinade (Mojo) . And slow cooked it for about 10 hours on low. 


2 - 3 Lb (1 to 1.5 kg) Pork Shoulder 
12 - 15 cloves, Garlic (The more the better!)
2 - Oranges 
1 - Lime 
1- Onion
1 Teaspoon, Black pepper
1 Teaspoon, Oregano
3 Tablespoons, Olive Oil


Gather and prep your ingredients:

Clean the garlic.

Juice the oranges and limes.
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